Sunday, November 11, 2007

Cold Frame

I recently got this on sale and got it set up just before the frost came. I don't know how well it will work since my plants are all in containers but I thought I'd give it a try here and I know it will come in handy once we move. I figured if nothing else it should help some of my potted plants survive until spring, or at least be better than just leaving them sitting out which is what I was going to do.


Pattie Baker said...

Christy: Yeah! You got it! It looks great. I have mine over a bed of lettuces and there are some little red plants (weed) growing in there that were also growing in my uncovered beds. The outside weeds died in the frost this week, but the ones in the cold frame are big and beautiful, so it is definitely warmer in there. I'm hoping to keep the lettuces going all winter.

frugalmom said...

Thats a great find.

linda m said...

What a great idea, let me know how it works. Are the slots in the deck going to allow too much cold air into the tent?

Christy said...

Mom - That's my concern. It is supposed to help keep the soil warmer, I'm not sure it will work on the deck, but I'll give it a try. I'm really just hoping it keeps the plants that I'm overwintering from freezing.

Howling Hill said...

Very cool!

What seeds did you choose? Did you send the package along already?

Christy said...

Howling Hill - I don't remember what I picked, I'll look and post it later. I didn't take all of anything so there are lots of seeds in the envelope now! I sent it on about 2 weeks ago so it should be at the next stop and maybe beyond.

Akkire said...

i thought i asked this yesterday, but i'll ask again since I don't see it - where did you get your cold frame? may i ask how much it cost? (to know the going rate)

maybe if you put a piece of plywood underneath it, the slats won't be a problem...

Christy said...

Erikka - I got it from Gardener's Supply Company. It was on sale for $44.99. Actually, I just checked and it is still on sale, down from $70. And I was thinking about your idea of putting something under the plants. I was thinking a plastic table cloth, but plywood is a good idea.